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Presentation Topics

Please take a look at my selection of presentation topics below.  

All of the topics can be customized to meet your needs.

I invite you to contact me and schedule a presentation conveniently via Zoom or at your location for you and your group of like-minded friends and colleagues (within a 1 hour drive of Montgomery Township, NJ).

UFOs/ UAPs:  Our Shifting Cultural Paradigm


This class will explore the amazing shift in our cultural awareness and acceptance of the UFO/ UAP phenomena since the release of the December 16, 2017 NY Times, Washington Post, and Politico news articles on the existence of a (formerly) secret governmental UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) research program. We will review the government’s new legislation, programs, and key people who advocate for UFO/ UAP transparency. We will also examine the newest research and discoveries made by brave scientists who are pushing the boundaries of physics and helping to re-shape our understanding of the nature of reality. 

The Magi & The StarChild


We will read excerpts from the apocryphal text Revelation of the Magi: The Lost Tale of the Wise Men’s Journey to Bethlehem which was found in the Vatican Library and translated for the first time into English by Brent Landau.  This early Christian manuscript proclaims itself to be the personal testimony of the Biblical Magi who recount their experiences with the coming of Christ as He manifested to them as both the celebrated Star of Bethlehem, and also as a luminous Being - a StarChild - who instructed the Magi "you are from the race of Light.”  Supportive research will also be presented to reveal how Reality is far more wondrous than we have been led to believe and is filled with powerful Beings of Light who continue to assist Humanity on our evolutionary journey.

The Light Body: Exploring Who We May Be & Who We May Become


Are the attainment of the Tibetan Buddhist Rainbow Body,
the Transfiguration, Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus,
the Assumption of His Mother Mary,
and the orbs
of light people experience in the context of the UFO/ UAP phenomena
instructing us on who we may be and who we may become?

Is the bodily transformation into a body of light (or perhaps plasma) the next step on humanity's evolutionary path?  

Is there a far more wondrous reality filled with intelligent Beings who exist all around us?

Awaken Your Intuition: The 6 CLAIRS & The Multiple Intelligences


Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, you will identify the ways that you most naturally process information and then, correspondingly, which of the 6 CLAIRS you are most likely to be gifted in. (There will likely be more than one, maybe all! - Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, Clairgustance)
We will then explore various techniques and practices that will be the most effective for you to Awaken your Intuition!

How to Read Oracle Cards


In this fun class, you will learn the ancient art of Oracle Cards Reading.  Oracle Cards are decks of cards with inspirational and supportive messages and artwork.  Giving an Oracle Cards Reading is a wonderful way to strengthen your intuitive abilities by receiving immediate feedback. In this class, you will learn how to weave together an insightful and meaningful story from the messages of the Oracle Cards you select for the Reading.  You will also learn how to pay attention to synchronicities to add additional details to your Reading.

Please note that Tarot Decks will not be discussed because learning Tarot requires very specific and in-depth training.

Self-Care for Empaths & Sensitive Souls


Have you ever been labeled “too sensitive”? Can you feel what others are feeling? Do you feel overwhelmed by crowds, noise and odors?

Learn about the traits of Sensitive Souls and self-care tips including how to set healthy boundaries.

Know Thyself:

Exploring the Various Parts/ Sub-Personalities of Yourself


This class is truly life-changing and transformative work - as we explore the various parts/ sub-personalities of ourselves.  You will recognize why you habitually react to the events in your life and why you make decisions the way you do.  You will learn the importance of coming back to your centered state of being so you can make choices with full awareness and true free will.

Healing Through Art & Affirmations

In this presentation, we will spend some quiet, reflective time using art and affirmations 
        to reduce unhealthy stress,
        to get in touch with the wisdom of our bodies, 
        to communicate with our inner child,
        to affirm our intentions,
        and to allow the power of symbols to strengthen and heal us.

Introduction to the Chakras and the Energy Body

According to ancient wisdom, the 7 primary Chakras are wheel-like energy vortices in the energy body and are related to our physical, psychological, and emotional health. Learn about the messages, healing colors, and affirmations that correspond to each Chakra.

How to Find Your Inner Peace


Life can have many ups and downs. Knowing how to find your inner peace and steer your life from your calm, steady center can help you make better decisions, access your inner strength, and benefit your overall health. In this class, you will learn about Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and how everyone has 8 different types of Intelligence (or ways of processing information) in varying degrees of strength. You will learn how to recognize which of the 8 Multiple Intelligences you are strongest in and most comfortable using in your daily life. Then from the many stress reduction/ relaxation/ centering techniques that are presented in the class you will select the ones that will be most effective for the unique way you find your inner peace based on your particular profile of Intelligences.

As Above, So Below:  The Teachings of Hermes​


In this class, we’ll explore the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus and ponder the deep questions of life such as how creation came to be, the interconnectedness of all life, the existence of helpful highly evolved beings, the power of thought and vibration, and who we really are at our core essence.

Self-Healing: Understanding the Messages of Your Body


Your body is constantly communicating with you. Not only does your body communicate about your physical issues, but it also lets you know how you are processing your emotional and psychological issues. In this class, you will explore the link between your thoughts, emotions, and body. You will examine how discomfort and illness in specific parts of the body, including the 7 major chakra areas, tends to be correlated with underlying emotional/psychological issues. And you will learn that in many cases, when you understand the messages of your body and make appropriate life changes, you can significantly contribute to your self-healing.

The Healing Power of Guided Meditation


Guided Meditation is a technique that can help you experience the power of your own mind. In this class, you will learn how Guided Meditation can be used as a technique for stress reduction, as an aid to self-healing, as a method for accessing inner wisdom, and also as a tool for performance enhancement and goal achievement. You will also enjoy a Guided Meditation experience.

Happy Clucks! Delightful Pet Chickens!

This class explores the rich emotional lives of chickens and their amazing intelligence.  You will learn about the fascinating process of how chickens sometimes use a Lamaze-type breath to help them lay their eggs.  And you'll come to realize that egg laying isn't always that easy and its a true gift to us humans.  If you love animals, you will love this class!

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