Intuitive Guidance/ Wholly Well Oracle Cards Readings
For many, this is an intense time to be alive on Earth... so many changes...
so many possibilities...
This can be a time of dramatic growth, of deep healing, of spiritual evolution and expansion of consciousness...
With my background in counseling, education, spirituality and metaphysics, I designed my 40 card deck of Wholly Well Oracle Cards with the intent to offer clear guidance and specific action steps to each unique individual who seeks to make their life better and brighter.
Your Wholly Well Oracle Cards Reading will focus on helping you create your Wholly Well life. A Wholly Well life includes a healthy body, mind, emotions, and spirit... all interdependent and working together in balance. A Wholly Well life also includes loving relationships, meaningful work, and an appreciation for the interconnected web of life.
Please Contact Me (cell phone: 609-955-1694) to schedule a phone call or a Zoom meeting for your Wholly Well Oracle Cards Reading.
(Research has demonstrated that intuitive/psychic information does not change nor diminish in accuracy due to distance or time. I find that my Readings are just as insightful and helpful over the phone or on Zoom as they are in person.)
$90 for a 1 hour
Intuitive Guidance/
Wholly Well Oracle Cards Reading
You may use the PayPal Button to purchase a Reading AFTER we have scheduled a day and time for our
phone call or Zoom meeting.
Special Event Price
for an
Intuitive Guidance/
Wholly Well Oracle Cards Reading
You may use the PayPal Button to purchase a Reading AFTER we have scheduled a mutually convenient date for our phone call or Zoom meeting.
Thank you so very much!
What are Oracle Cards?
Divination and guidance obtained from Card Readings goes back at least hundreds of years. More recently (for the past 25 years or so) authors and seers have developed their sets of Oracle Cards with messages of hope, inspiration, and wisdom from various helpful beings including angels and animal spirits.
Like regular playing cards, Oracle Cards have 2 sides to each card... a back side that has the same image on all of the cards, and a front side that contains a different word, message or image on each card. Oracle Cards can be just a little bigger or smaller in size than a regular playing card. Oracle Card decks can contain a little more or less than 52 cards per deck.
Through the divinely orchestrated synchronicity that takes place in our interconnected universe, Oracle Cards can serve as a conduit for heavenly messages to reach us in our day-to-day lives.
There are many different ways to use Oracle Cards for divination and each Reader will tend to develop their own favorite methods. For example, the Oracle Card deck can be shuffled and then one card is picked each day for a daily inspirational message. Or the Cards can be laid face down on a table and multiple Cards are selected and then turned over one at a time. Each Card is then intuitively interpreted as a piece of a meaningful story to offer fresh, new insights into a troubling situation.
Please Note
The information from your Wholly Well Oracle Cards Reading is intended for your educational use only. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any health program.